Meet Dr. Stimart
I’m Dr. Cindy Stimart, a proud doctor of speech-language pathology, a certified lactation consultant, a certified teacher of speech-language pathology and hard working mama with a super loving husband and amazing kids. As a former widow, I’ve learned that I can do hard things, and that life is too short to expend energy on negativity.
I am passionate about God, my marriage, my children and our circle of people who cheer for our good times and hold our hands in the hard times.
I love my village filled with family, friends, fellow sports moms, my doubles partners (I love tennis), my book club girlfriends and my amazing work colleagues. They each inspire me in different ways every day.

I’m incredibly passionate about healthy eating for families.
Eating right affects the growth and development of brains and bodies, sleep, energy, attention and even the moods of your children.
So much happens when we gather around the table.
Healthy food is an important part of the picture. Equally important are the celebrations, family conversations
“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” – Ann Wigmore
Dr. Cindy Stimart (Chew Chew Mama) is a nationally certified and clinically trained speech language pathologist with over 18 years experience specialized in pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders. Cindy has worked with patients across the life span in a variety of settings including John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital In Patient and Out Patient Clinic, Wolfsons Childrens Hospital, school settings, private practice and teaches pediatric dysphagia in Masters Program for Speech-Language Pathology.
Cindy’s advanced experience includes training and certifications in lactation counseling, Beckman Oral Motor, International Association of Infant Massage, Fragile Infant Feeding Institute, Hanen Centre, PROMPT and direct experience working in accredited Children’s Hospitals with children suffering from feeding disorders due to prematurity, oral motor disorders, cardiac surgery, craniofacial disorders, cancer, trauma, traumatic brain injuries, neurological disorders, as well as, behavioral feeding disorders and “picky eaters.”

#healthy #eating #nutrition #grow #pickyeaters #dysphagia

Chew Chew Mama site
I was given the nickname, “Chew Chew Mama” by my hospital colleagues after years of specializing in pediatric dysphagia (feeding and swallowing disorders) in addition to speech-language and assistive technology.
My first born son, Benjamin, made me a first time mom in 2009. After that, my life shifted into a new balance of work and mom groups, where I learned that my two worlds actually collided with a lot in common. Not only did I address feeding, swallowing and picky eaters at work, but it was a constant topic of conversation with ALL moms!
Parents of ALL kids
I started Chew Chew Mama and created Happy Eating Club, an online, virtual education and coaching program for parents of picky eaters to educate and support all parents.
No more short order cooking or sacrificing healthy options for hidden food or go-to salty substitutes, like crackers, goldfish or macaroni

I’m proud to say that today, Chew Chew Mama and Happy Eating Club, my online, virtual coaching for parents of picky eaters have helped families redefine their mealtimes from coast-to-coast and literally around the world.
Coaching & Collaboration
Many families who have taken Happy Eating Club appreciate the benefit of ongoing, individualized educational coaching and support. Companies, such as Comotomo, hire me to discuss pediatric product development, testing and endorsement. Daycare’s and schools seek out consultations for training on developmental feeding milestones.
If you would like more details in working together, please visit my contact page.