Amazing how many times the currents can change in a day.
Our Cub has been sick for the past 24 hours and Chew Chew Mama is one very tired mama from spending much of last night rocking an uncomfortable and very awake Cub. My sweet Cub that normally sleeps from 7:30 PM to after 8:00 AM each morning demanded to be held by only his mama from 1:30 AM to almost 5 AM. It’s been so long since I have had to get up in the night that I had forgotten how exhausting the next day could be…especially with an exhausted and cranky Bear Cub.
Still the morning came right on time. My day started off in a sleep deprived haze and was spent in combination of cuddling a grumpy Cub, making meals, taking steps to plan and organize our upcoming move and also disinfecting our house top to bottom…all before getting ready for work at the hospital this afternoon.
At some point in the day, I surrendered and I said a prayer for energy. My prayer was answered which makes me smile. It’s such a nice feeling to know you are cared for from up above, isn’t it?
Off to work I went.
My work always brightens my heart. I love helping the children and families in my care there. At the end of the day, their progress (small or large) makes me smile. It gives us all joy and hope…and those are good things to have in this world.
I leave work grateful every day.
Our evening at home consisted of a shuffled dinner and bath time routine. And tonight, like every night, I cuddled with my sweet Cub and we read several books together in his rocker. We shut off the lights and then my Cub and I sang songs. The Cub loves this time each night, because he gets to pick the songs that we sing. I love this time because I get to hold him and listen to his tiny voice as he sings along with me. I am thankful that 24 hours later, he has improved.
I am reminded that I don’t care how tired I am or how much I have to do with our impending move 4 weeks away or with changes happening at work. Everything else falls to second. I would hold him and rock him through hundreds of thousands of sleepless nights. I am so blessed to be able to provide him with comfort.
Placing him into his crib tonight and watching him finally getting some peaceful rest relieved me.
It’s amazing how small moments touch your heart and reset everything, isn’t it? All the worry melts away and all that’s left is love and a peaceful house.
Dream Sweet,
Chew Chew Mama
So sorry your little was sick, but super glad he is on the mend! I love your posts! You are a terrific mama which equals one lucky bear cub and an awesome writter which equals lucky us! I delight in the fact that you clearly understand the hard work being a mama bear can be, but you appreciate how blessed we are! Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you for reading and for your sweet, sweet post, Stacy! I feel so lucky to have so many like-minded and wonderful mamas in my circle of friends.
Nothing worse than a sick kiddo! I’m glad you were able to keep yourself from going bonkers what with sleep deprivation. I always feel terrible when my toddler gets sick because I hate knowing that he’s uncomfortable.